Thank You to our Sponsors!

In addition to the volunteers who contribute their time and talents to the Market’s operation, we also receive support from several local businesses.  We are grateful for their willingness to donate their properties and services, helping us bring you the best in fresh while growing our local healthy economy.  If you have the opportunity, thank them in person!

 The Community Church – The host of our market space, The Community Church has been a partner since the inception of the Market.  Each Tuesday, they generously open their building and parking lot so the Market can serve the local community – just like they do.  If you’d like to know more information about their congregation and activities, visit them at:

Cascade Community Foundation
Grounded Strength Holistic Wellness
I Understand
BODYBAR Pilates Cascade
BODY20 Cascade

If you are a local business and have an idea on how you’d like to offer support the Market, drop us an email at  See you at the Market!